Palm Beach Physicians Guild: Easter Day of Recollection

Palm Beach Physicians Guild of the Catholic Medical Association will be sponsoring an Easter Day of Recollection on Saturday 29th of April at Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center in North Palm Beach. We will focus on spirituality in the healthcare setting within the context of the Easter season experience. The activity will be open to physicians, nurses and allied health professionals.

The main speaker will be Monsignor Gabriel Ghanoum PsyD, pastor of St. Nicholas Melkite Catholic Church in Delray Beach, Florida and chaplain at JFK Medical Center in Atlantis, FL.

We will be advertising in church bulletins and other venues soon.

As always, don’t hesitate to write us back to via our gmail account. And also visit our Facebook page, as well as find us on Twitter @PalmBeachCMA

Laudetur Iesus Christus!

Dr. Felix A Rodriguez
President, Palm Beach Physicians Guild